Dearest Champagnat Families:

In lieu of circumstances beyond our control and in the absolute best interest of all of our stakeholders, our school will be closed for a minimum of the next 14 days. Our children and you, their families, are the most important priority for all of us. Once we have further information on this virus and we deem it safe to return to school, WE WILL BE READY FOR OUR STUDENTS RETURN. 

As a small private school we were able to make decisions and create protocol for our students safety long before many schools. When most schools were in meetings deciding what to do next, Champagnat was already acting. When most schools were filling purchase orders for appropriate disinfectants, Champagnat was already using them. When most schools were figuring out how to create a school wide virtual plan, Champagnat had already trained their teachers. We are not only extremely proud of our staff for being prepared long before most schools, but we are proud of the reaction from our students and how confident they all are in what we are working on together as the Champagnat family. 

During this time of closure, our faculty will continue instruction and our students will continue the learning process via Google Classroom. Students and teachers will have scheduled log in times where attendance will be taken. It is imperative to the learning process and to required amount of instructional hours mandated by the Florida Department of Education to log on as present during these times. Students on any scholarship will put their funding at risk if they are not present during every scheduled instructional time. If there is any viable reason for which the student may not be present, the school administration must be made aware and proof must be provided to school administration as to the reason why. If the FLDOE admits it as an excused absence, then no penalty will be assessed. Any students without access to their Google Classrooms should email me at immediately.

As a school we will be in daily communication with all our stakeholders via email as well. Please check for communications that are sent from the school under “Champagnat Notifications”. Check spam folder if nothing comes up. Email me directly at if you do not receive our notifications. Please share information with your children/family as well.

We pray that none of our students or their families are further affected by this pandemic. If you or anyone on your family is infected by the COVID-19 virus, please let us know. If you or anyone in your family is showing symptoms, please act quickly in reaching out to our local health department. Their contact information is attached. There are also many health institutions offering Telehealth sessions to assist you in assessing symptoms. We will include some of that information in this email as well. As with anything unknown, we are better off taking action early to prevent worse consequences. We ask you to please not be afraid of asking for help. We are here to assist you in anyway we could. That is what family is for. AND YOU ARE A PART OF THE CHAMPAGNAT FAMILY!

Lions, we are with you in concern and will be here with you when this all blows over. We live in the GREATEST country in the world and we WILL prevail. We have the upmost FAITH in our Lord and He WILL care for His sheep. We are filled with Courage, will search for Knowledge, and will forever live in the quest for Wisdom. We are Champagnat Lions!

Stay in touch (virtually). Stay safe. See you soon.

On The Rise,

Isabel C Alonso