Our mission in Catholic education is based on and conditioned by the Catholic philosophy of life: each person, endowed with body and soul, has not only a purpose in this world but an eternal destiny. Our goal is not mere “law and order” but to do what we can to develop the student’s self-discipline and sense of responsibility to God, family, and country.


Prospective students who wish to apply to Champagnat Catholic School are invited to visit the school, by calling the office and scheduling an appointment. Applicants are expected:
· To bring in the last report card from their prior school;
· To have an official copy of their transcript;
· To have an attendance report, credits earned;
· To have updated vaccinations;
· To take an entrance exam;
· To have a copy of Birth Certificate/Baptismal Certificate;
· To have a copy of the student’s & parent’s Social Security card.
Upon receipt and evaluation of these documents, a school official will schedule an interview with the applicant to determine his/her status. Acceptance of a student is always subject to the satisfactory completion of all coursework the student may be presently taking. After acceptance into Champagnat Catholic School, you will need to fill out the application and registration form.

Non-Discrimination Policy
Champagnat Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national/ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships, athletic or other school-administered programs.


President: Dr. Reinaldo F. Alonso

Principal: Mrs. Nuria I. Alloza-Sanchez

Director of Operations: Ms. Isabel C. Alonso



Grading System
Grades are given in numbers; a “grade point average” (GPA) is used to determine rank in class; graduation and honor eligibility; good standing and probation status; and scholarship eligibility. Students are ranked at the end of each year. The passing grade is 70 or above for core courses. Courses that are designated as Honors (H), receive one additional GPA point and courses that are designated as Advanced Placement (AP) are worth an additional two GPA points according to the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) course codes and standards. Students completing either of the aforementioned types of courses will have the additional points weighted in their GPA.

Letter Grade Percentage Equivalent GPA Equivalent
A+ …………………………. 97 – 100% ……………………… 4.0
A ………………………….. 94 – 96% …………………………. 3.7
A- …………………………. 90 – 93% …………………………. 3.5
B+ ………………………… 87 – 89% …………………………. 3.3
B ………………………….. 83 – 86% …………………………. 3.0
B- …………………………. 80 – 82% …………………………. 2.7
C+ ………………………… 77 – 79% …………………………. 2.3
C ………………………….. 73 – 76% …………………………. 2.0
C- …………………………. 70 – 72% …………………………. 1.7
D+ ………………………… 67 – 69% …………………………. 1.3
D ……………………….…. 63 – 66% …………………………. 1.0
D- …………………………. 60 – 62% …………………………. 0.7
F …………………………. 59 and below ……………….….…… 0
I ……………. Incomplete is treated as “F” if the work is not completed
*Required Credits

The following credits must be earned at the high school level as requisites for graduation:

Language Arts ………………………………….……. 4 credits
Mathematics ……….…………………………….….. 4 credits
Science ………….……………………………………… 4 credits
Social Studies …….……………………………….… 4 credits
Foreign Language …..……………………………… 2 credits
HOPE/Physical Fitness  .………………………… 2 credits
Electives based on offerings such as:
World Religion, Sociology, Art History, Literature, Marketing, Hospitality/Tourism, Forensic Science, Sports/Entertainment Management, Peer Counseling, Life Management, a minimum of 2 virtual courses offered by FLVS, 1 Arts credit.. 6 credits

Make-Up Work
A student who is absent for any reason is required to make up all work missed. All make up work must be done by the end of the quarter but before the period of preparation for or actual quarter testing time. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to obtain assignments for all make up work and to complete it as directed. An “I” will revert to an “F” if the student does not complete the required work in the allotted time.

Progress Reports
Progress reports are posted on-line between quarters/grading periods. Parents may view their childs grades on a regular basis through our school/student management site. Parents may request an appointment for a conference in the progress form or by phone. Students averaging less than 70% for the year in up to three (*) subjects, must attend summer school to earn promotion. Students may NOT miss more than one (1) day of summer school regardless of their grade. Students failing more than three core courses must repeat the grade. NO EXCUSE IS CONSIDERED VALID. Seniors and 8th graders averaging under 70% in three or more (*) core courses or with dues or assignments pending will not be allowed to wear graduation regalia to the commencement. Transcripts, report cards, diplomas, and all school records will only be issued upon completion of all requirements and payments.

Graduation Requirements
• Successful completion of 26 required high school credit courses. (min 1FLVS, 1Arts)
• Completion of 36 community service hours per year in high school.
• Attendance at a weekend religious retreat during Senior year of high school.
• Proof of having taken the ACT or Collegeboard SAT.
• Payment of Prom and Graduation fees.
• Must not be absent more than 15 days in accordance with the CCS Attendance Policy.
• Fully participate in all Senior Class fundraisers.
• Must be in attendance at Senior Baccalaureate Mass.
Guidance Services
Students are asked to request an appointment at the Main Office to enable the secretary to schedule the request for appointment convenient to the Principal/Counselor and the student.

Plagiarism is the copying of homework/reports from other students or the copying of books and magazines when the student fails to honor their source. Cheating is the exchange of information during an exam, quiz or testing procedure. Cheating and plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the work, and could further be punished at the discretion of the teacher and Principal.

Parent-Teacher Conference
Parents may request a conference with any or all teachers working with his/her child. Parents should contact the office to schedule an appointment before or after class hours.

Report Cards
Report Cards are issued after every nine weeks of instruction. They are available to students at the end of the first, third, and fourth marking periods via Rediker. Please notify the school if you do not have access to a progress or report card within reasonable amount of time as scheduled in the students’ agendas.

Students who are absent on the day of an announced examination will receive a deduction of 20 points from their test grade. Upon providing proof of excused absence, student must meet with the Teacher to schedule make-up test time and date. All students are given Midterms and Finals unless there is a payment due. Check the agenda for the dates.

Final Exams
It is mandatory to complete a final exam for every course in order to receive full credit. Students who do not take their Final Exams will receive an Incomplete until the final deadline of July 15. The school will make arrangements with the family for exams to be administered to the student once all account balances and/or remaining requirements are fulfilled. The date and time will be coordinated during regular school hours and on a date after the regular school year has ended. If a student remains without taking their Final Exams after July 15th of each year, the score will revert to a 0% and will affect their final course grade accordingly.

Summer School Course /Credit Recovery Course

Courses taken in summer school which are courses never before taken may earn full credit but may not earn a higher grade than a C (70). Summer school full credit courses are inclusive of a minimum of forty (40) hours of in class sessions and thirty (30) hours of at home assignments. Final summer school grade will be used in averaging final GPA. Credit Recovery is for courses with an initial grade of D (69) or below may be recovered over summer school/during the school year so long as class offerings do not have conflicting schedules. Summer school credit recovery courses are inclusive of a minimum of forty (40) hours of in class sessions. A recovery grade may replace the required course grade and will be used in averaging final GPA.


Students are expected to be present and on time for all school days and all classes throughout the school year. Records of student attendance (times absent and times tardy) become a part of the student’s file. Champagnat is not responsible for the students who are left at the school before 7:00AM, or after scheduled hours. All students must enter school through the entry gate and not through the office from 7:00-8:00 am.

Change of Address and Phone
Please notify us immediately of any changes of address, email, or phone number. This applies to both home and parent’s business, for emergencies. This can be done at the main office. Parents are notified daily if student is absent.

Middle School Hours
Middle School students must report to their homeroom teachers no later than 8:20AM. Dismissal is conducted at 3:05PM. There is an after school program available. Students remaining in school after 3:10PM will be sent to Study Hall and will be charged $20.00 per day.

High School Hours
High School students must report to their homeroom teachers by 7:45AM. Dismissal is conducted at 2:25PM. High school students that stay after school may not exit school until they are going home. Students remaining on or around the campus will be summoned to the office and billed after school fees.

Tardiness, Early Dismissals and Absences
Students who arrive to school late must report to the school office for a late pass before entering their classrooms. Students arriving after 9:30 am without an official doctors note, will not be permitted in class and will be marked absent. Students at school less than three hours in a day will be marked Absent. Three tardies are counted as one absence. Students who are absent an excess of 15 times in the school year, excused or unexcused, may not receive credit; summer school will be mandatory. Days suspended are recorded as days absent. An excess of (40) forty days absent will result in repetition of grade level.

A student is counted absent if he/she leaves before 11:30 AM. Students who wish to leave school before the end of the school day must be checked out in the main office by an approved guardian. Approved guardians who wish to sign their students out of school early may issue a signed letter and give in to the school office staff indicating the date and time of their anticipated early dismissal. Approved guardian must sign the child out or send an email of confirmation, even if a signed letter was sent. Unexpected dismissals must also be accompanied by a signed letter from the approved guardian. No student will be dismissed unless the approved guardian/designated persons on school registration form signs the student out of school or sends a signed letter expressing permission.. During test periods, early dismissal will be withheld. The school encourages parents to set up appointments for doctors after school hours.

Students who arrive to class after the period has begun will sent to the attendance monitor for a late pass. Students in grades 6 to 12 will serve detention on the same day of that tardiness. Detention will be from 2:25-3:25 pm for grades 10 to 12. Detention will be from 3:05-3:45 for grades 6 to 9. The first five detentions for tardiness will not have a fee. Any tardiness detentions issued after that will incur a $5.00 fee per detention.

Truancy is the absence from school, class or a school activity, or leaving the school grounds without the parents’ consent, or previous written permission from parent or Principal. If you plan to leave with someone other than customary, have your parents notify the office. Truancy is a serious offense which could result in probation and may result in suspension or dismissal.


Students at Champagnat Catholic School are expected to behave as Christian ladies and gentlemen. As long as they are students at Champagnat, they represent Champagnat and shall be held responsible for their actions on and off campus.

Student Code of Honor
Established in September 2007 and modeled after the University of Miami Code of Honor
(The University of Miami is Mrs. Maria I Alonso’s alma mater and trusted source of wisdom)

This Honor Code is established for the student body, to protect the academic integrity of Champagnat Catholic School, to encourage consistent ethical behavior among students, and to foster a climate of fair competition.
Cheating implies an intent to deceive. It includes all actions, devices, and/or deceptions involved in committing the act. Examples include, but are not limited to, utilizing crib notes/cheat sheet on an exam and copying answers directly from another student’s exam.
Plagiarism is representing the words or ideas of someone else as your own. Examples include but are not limited to, failing to properly cite direct quotes and failing to give credit for someone else’s ideas.
Collusion is the act of working together on an academic undertaking for which a student is individually responsible. Examples include, but are not limited to, sharing information in labs that are to be done individually.
Lying is the act of distorting information with the intention of deceiving or confusing. Examples might include, but are not limited to, stating that a note sent to parents for a signature was lost or left behind when the truth is that the parents never read such note; another instance might be blaming someone for your own actions.
Stealing is the act of taking or using someone else’s property without the owner’s consent.
Academic Dishonesty includes any other act not specifically covered that compromises the integrity of a student or intrudes, violates, or disturbs the academic environment of the Champagnat Community. Examples are attempting or agreeing to commit, or assisting in or facilitating the commission of, any scholastic dishonesty violation, failing to appear or testify without good cause when requested by the Student Honor Council or Director, or Principal, failing to keep information about cases confidential, supplying false information to the Honor Council and accusing a student of a violation of this Code in bad faith.

Anyone affiliated with Champagnat Catholic School, including faculty, teaching assistants, and students, may file a complaint in accordance with this code. Upon the receipt of a complaint, an investigation is completed and, if there is enough evidence, punishment will be applied according to what is established in the school regulations section of the student’s agenda. If the accused is found not guilty, the matter is over and no record of it is retained on the accused’s record. The entire process, from complaint to hearing, takes approximately one month.

Champagnat Catholic School encourages all members of the School Community to help preserve a pleasant learning environment, with mutual respect and honorable attitude.

Champagnat Catholic School prohibits all types of bullying and harassment.

As per FL Statue 1006.147 “’bullying’ means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students and may involve: teasing; social exclusion; threat; intimidation; stalking; physical violence; theft; sexual, religious, or racial harassment; public humiliation; or destruction of property.”

As per FL Statue 1006.147 “’Harassment’ means any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, or written, verbal, or physical conduct directed against a student or school employee that: places a student or school employee in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property; has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities, or benefits; or has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of a school.”

As per the FL Statue 1006.147 the definitions of bullying and harassment include: “Retaliation against a student or school employee by another student or school employee for asserting or alleging an act of bullying or harassment. Reporting an act of bullying or harassment that is not made in good faith is considered retaliation.
Perpetuation of conduct listed [above] by an individual or group with intent to demean, dehumanize, embarrass, or cause physical harm to a student or school employee by: incitement or coercion; accessing or knowingly causing or providing access to data or computer software through a computer, computer system, or computer network within the scope of the district school system; or acting in a manner that has an effect substantially similar to the effect of bullying or harassment.”

Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated at Champagnat Catholic School. Sexual harassment is any type of un-welcomed sexual talk or actions that make a person feel bad, trapped, or confused. This includes any conduct or materials containing sexual suggestions that would be offensive to a reasonable person. In the event of an incident, it MUST be reported to the Principal. All allegations of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and promptly investigated.

Chamapagnat Catholic is committed to promoting a safe, healthy, caring, and respectful learning environment for all of its students. As such, bullying is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Therefore, this policy prohibits any unwelcome verbal or written conduct or gestures directed at a student by another student that has the effect of:
(1) physically, emotionally, or mentally harming a student; (2) damaging, extorting or taking a student’s personal property; (3) placing a student in reasonable fear of emotional or mental harm; (4) placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property; or (5) creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student’s educational opportunities or the Catholic mission of Chamapagnat.
Bullying may involve but is not limited to: teasing, name-calling, slurs, rumors, jokes, false accusations, intimidation, stalking, innuendos, demeaning comments, pranks, social isolation, gestures, cyber-bullying or other verbal or written conduct. Cyber-bullying includes the following misuses of digital technology: teasing, intimidating, or making false accusations about another student by way of any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate email messages, instant messages, text messages, digital images or website postings (including blogs and social network sites). This definition includes students who either directly engage in an act of bullying or who, by their behavior, support another student’s act of bullying. This policy prohibits bullying that occurs either on school premises before, during, or after school hours; on any bus or vehicle as part of any school activity; or during any school function, extracurricular activity or other school sponsored event or activity.

Reporting Complaints
Each student and parent has a duty to report any bullying to the school immediately. If a student experiences (or a parent witnesses or learns of) any incident of bullying, the incident must be promptly reported to the school principal. The principal will provide the student/parent with the Bullying Complaint Report Form which must be completed, dated and signed by the complaining party so that the school may initiate further inquiry, when appropriate. Any student found to have violated this policy may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include: temporary removal from the classroom, loss of privileges, detention, counseling, parent conference, suspension, expulsion, and/or notification to appropriate authorities. The disciplinary action may be unique to the individual incident and may vary in method and severity based on the principal’s discretion. False reports or accusations of bullying also constitutes a violation of this policy and may subject the offending party to appropriate disciplinary action.

Weapons Policy
Weapons are not permitted anywhere on school grounds. Anyone who brings a weapon on school grounds, who is in possession of a weapon, or who threatens others with a weapon may be expelled from the school. Any item used to threaten or cause bodily harm may be considered a weapon.

Threat of Violence Policy
The disciplinary consequences for a student whose verbal or written comments, including email messages, that threaten serious bodily harm to another student or member of the faculty or staff or destruction of property, may include, but not be limited to: a) Immediate suspension from Chamapagnat Catholic. b) Treatment or consultation by a psychologist or psychiatrist at the parents’ expense of whom may be asked to submit a written evaluation. If it is determined that the child was serious about the threat and has the capacity to carry it out the child may be expelled from the school. If it is determined that the child did not seriously intend to do harm to others, the child may be allowed to return to the school, at the discretion of the school principal. c) If allowed to return to school, the child may be placed on probation with an indication that, should a similar threat occur, the child will be expelled from school. d) The school may submit an informational report to the police.

Professional Misconduct
All Faculty and Staff have the duty to report alleged employee or administrator misconduct that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student. If any misconduct is witnessed, it is to be reported to the Director of Academics, Isabel Alonso, at champagnatcatholicschool@gmail.com or the Principal, Nuria Alloza-Sanchez, at 305-888-3760 or nasanchez@champagnatcatholicschool.com. The penalties for personnel and administrators who fail to report abuse or misconduct may result up to termination of employment and revocation of an educator’s certificate. Please refer to the notice below or the school office for more information.

Child Abuse Policies
All employees have a duty to report actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect. The statewide toll-free abuse hotline number is 1-800-96ABUSE (1-800-962-2873). Employees have immunity from liability if they report suspected cases and will have a duty to comply with all protective investigations.

Under the Florida Statue 39.293 (immunity from liability in cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect) any person reporting in good faith any instance of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect to the department or any law enforcement agency, shall be immune from any liability which might otherwise result from such action nor shall they be subjected to reprisal or discharge because of his or her actions in reporting abuse, abandonment, or neglect.

Drug and Alcohol Policy
The Administration and Staff of Champagnat Catholic School is dedicated to preventing and eliminating substance abuse on school property and at school-sponsored activities. The use or possession of illegal drugs or illegal mood altering substances, alcoholic beverages, drug-related paraphernalia, or the abuse of prescription or over the counter drugs by any student on school property or while attending or participating in any school sponsored activity or at anytime the student is forbidden. Transgression of this rule will result in disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the school, even for a first offense. Any student selling drugs on school property or at school functions may be immediately expelled. In the enforcement of this policy the school may also conduct random searches as set forth in the handbook. At Champagnat, we also believe that it is our mission to help students make positive, healthy choices beyond the school setting. Our guidance staff helps students navigate their way through teenage issues and situations and offers numerous opportunities throughout the year and at each grade level to address the social pressure that teens face regarding drug and alcohol use and educating them about the dangers of these substances. Because Chamapagnat Catholic School is committed to a drug-free environment, the school requires mandatory drug testing as an enhancement to the school’s existing education and prevention initiatives. Research shows that drug testing is a powerful deterrent to drug use. Students will be tested by hair analysis which will involve a simple small snip of hair from the student. This method was chosen because it has consistently proven to be the most effective method in correctly identifying drug use and is the most cost effective and least invasive technique. Urine testing will also take place at random to supplement the hair testing. The tests will screen for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines (both ecstasy and methamphetamines), and phencyclidine (PCP), barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and synthetic cannabinoids (K2 and Spice). Additionally, the tests will identify a range of use (light, moderate, or heavy) and it can also provide the window of time of the use. Students will be randomly selected for the drug testing throughout the year. If a student takes any action to avoid, manipulate or interfere with the test or the test results, it will be considered a positive. Once a student is tested, his name is returned to the collective pool for further selections. When a student tests negative, a letter with the good news is sent to the family as confirmation. If a student tests positive, the family is contacted by the Director to schedule a confidential conference. At this meeting, the parents will receive an explanation of the test results, to include the type of drug, level of use, and window of time of use. It is the parents’ responsibility to arrange for counseling and testing and to keep the Director informed as to their child’s progress and results. The student will be retested 100 days after a positive test, at the parents’ expense. If a student tests positive a second time, the Program Director will inform the Principal. Another meeting will then be held with the Principal, the student, and the family, to determine a course of action. Any student that tests positive a second time may be asked to withdraw from school. Additionally, where a student exhibits the symptoms, or is suspected of any substance abuse, the school may require that the student undergo substance abuse testing at the parents’ expense. If the results of the test suggest abuse (and the substance was not used on or brought to campus or a school related activity), the school will normally use this information to help the student seek assistance. Refusal to participate in such a test may result in expulsion from the school. Any student who voluntarily seeks help for substance abuse will receive confidential assistance and referral. The Administration will seek appropriate parental and counselor involvement to assist the student.

Notification of Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law Applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a
School beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are
“eligible students.”
• Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
• Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
• Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
o School officials with legitimate educational interest;
o Other schools to which a student is transferring;
o Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
o Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
o Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
o Accrediting organizations;
o To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
o Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
o State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and
dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of
time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools
must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a parent newsletter, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

For additional information or technical assistance regarding FERPA, you may call (202)
260X3887 (voice). Individuals who use TDD may call the Federal Information Relay Service at 1X800X877X8339.
Or you may contact the following address:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202X5920

Divorce/Custody Requirements
Divorced or separated parents must file a court-certified copy of the custody section of the divorce or separation decree with the School Office. The school will not be held responsible for failing to honor arrangements that have not been made known. Parents agree not to compel the attendance, testimony, or deposition of any school employee in any divorce, custody, or other legal proceedings.

Media Release
Parents waive permission for the use of photography or film of their child(ren) for school related purposes. Parents permit and authorize the School and its employees, agents, and personnel who are acting on behalf of the School to use their child(ren)’s photograph or other likeness for purposes related to the educational mission of the School, including publicity, marketing, and promotion of the School and its various programs. Parents understand the photograph or likeness may be copied and distributed by means of various media, including video presentations, television, news bulletins, mailouts, billboards or signs, brochures, placement on School websites, or newspapers. Parents understand that, although the School will endeavor to use the photograph or likeness in accordance with standards of good judgment, the School cannot warranty or guarantee that any further dissemination of the photograph or likeness will be subject to the School’s supervision or control. Accordingly, parents release the School from any and all liability related to dissemination of said photograph or likeness.

Public Display of Affection
Public display of affection on school grounds, at school related events, or at any time is forbidden and punishable. At all times, we need to remember the dignity and respect that belongs to each individual person. Act in a professional manner.

Quiet and Order
Classrooms: Students should be seated and ready for work by the time the bell rings. Quiet and order in classrooms are essential for learning to take place. Consideration for the teachers and fellow students is expected at all times.

Corridors/Walkways: It is also important that quiet and order in the corridors be maintained. Running, littering, unnecessary noise, loitering are improper behaviors. Also all students outside of class should have a hall pass/written permission from the Principal, Administrators, Faculty or Staff. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain this pass before he/she leaves the class.

Electronic Toys (cellular phones, headphones, video games, and components, etc.)
Cellular phones may not be seen or heard. Students may not carry headphones, videos games, and components, etc. on their person or keep them in their bags. Cellular phones, electronic toys, etc. will be confiscated by the Principal, Administrators, Faculty or Personnel. On the first offense they will be returned to the students’ parent the same day. On the second offense, the electronic toy will be confiscated for 30 days. On the third offense, the electronic toy will be confiscated for the remainder of the school year and returned in June. Students may not bring more than $10.00 to school. The School does not make itself responsible to search for or replace lost/stolen electronic toys or anything of value greater than $10.00.

Care of School Property
School equipment and property is for the student and should be cared for with consideration. In the event that a student should break school property, accidentally or willfully, the parents or guardians of such student are financially responsible for the replacement of the piece for another of equal or higher value.

iPads and other curriculum materials (Textbooks, workbooks, etc. ) are leased yearly to students and must be returned at the end of the year or upon withdrawal. These items are coded so that specific materials are the responsibility of a specific student. If a student loses a material, he or she must report that loss immediately. Subsequently their account will be invoiced for the replacement cost. The same is true when these materials are severely damaged. The repair/replacement cost must be paid in order for students to receive their grades and other academic records.

Cafeteria/Lunch Period
Behavior in the lunch room should be orderly, courteous and respectful to students, teachers and cafeteria personnel. All eating areas are to be left clean. Students are not permitted to exit the cafeteria with food or drink items. Students must remain in the cafeteria during lunch time, unless there is a special permission from the teacher. The school parking lots and classroom areas are out of bounds during the lunch period, as at all times.

Champagnat Catholic School employees do not administer medication to students. If your child has been prescribed medication, the parent must come and administer it to the student at the set time.

Emergency Crisis Management
Lockdown Drills/Codes
Code Blue: There is a weather advisory issue for the area. Students are to remain in their classrooms and no one in the hallways or exterior areas.
Code Yellow: There is a viable threat in the neighborhood. All doors should be locked; however, instruction and classroom activities may continue.
Code Red: There is an imminent threat on campus. All doors should be locked, instruction and activities cease, all students are to be silent, and students take shelter under their desks and away from doors/windows. The teacher must be between the students and the door.

Evacuations Drills/Codes
Fire Drills: When the emergency alarm sounds, everyone must evacuate the building immediately, in silence. All students must proceed to their assigned exit area, in an orderly fashion. All books, bags, and other materials are to be left in the room. During the drill all students are to be silent and to proceed in a single file as they exit the building.
Code Black: There is a bomb threat in the building. Everyone must evacuate the building immediately, in silence. All students must proceed to their assigned exit area and safely away from the building, in an orderly fashion. All books, bags, and other materials are to be left in the room. During the drill all students are to be silent and to proceed in a single file as they exit the building.

Sale or Distribution of Goods
Students may not sell or distribute any item on or adjacent to school grounds, nor at school-sponsored activities without receiving the approval of the Principal.

Gum Chewing
Gum chewing is not permitted on campus. Students caught chewing gum may receive disciplinary action, such as copying pages and scraping gum.

Search and Seizure
School administrators may search a student’s person, belongings, car, or any other object that is brought onto the School’s campus or to any school sponsored event in order to determine compliance with the standards of conduct established by Champagnat. School. Administrators may also remove or confiscate any object which is illegal or contrary to school policy.


The prime responsibility for good grooming rests on the student and the parents. Pupils are expected to come to school looking clean, neat, and well-groomed. A student who dresses like a gentleman/lady will find it easier to act like one. We take pride in the appearance of the student. The determination as to what is acceptable or not as regards to dress and hair styles in particular cases belongs to the Principal, whose decision is final.

Student Attire
Students wear the school uniform to all school activities, with the exemption of school dances, graduation, luncheon or dinners.

BOYS: The uniform consists of the white or red golf shirt that is monogrammed with the school initials and purchased at All Uniform Wear for the high school. A navy golf shirt with the same requisites stated above for middle school (6-8th) grades. All boys will wear khaki pants monogrammed as well and also to be purchased at All Uniform Wear to the schools specifications. All black leather shoes and white visible socks must be worn. The school pants must fit properly, and not drag down. All shirts must be kept tucked in at all times. Earrings are not acceptable and will be confiscated and discarded.

GIRLS: The uniform consists of a white or red golf shirt that is monogrammed with the school initials and purchased at All Uniform Wear for the high school. A navy golf shirt with the same requisites stated above for middle school (6-8th) grades. All girls will wear a navy and red plaid skirt or skort monogrammed with the school initials also to be purchased at All Uniform Wear. The high school may wear a white oxford shirt with navy pants that are both monogrammed with the school initials and purchased at All Uniform Wear. The Middle School girls may wear khaki pants with the same requisites stated above. All black leather shoes and a belt must be worn. All shirts must be kept tucked in at all times.

Extreme hair styles are to be avoided. Unconventional hairstyles are not permitted. This unconventional hair style will be determined by the Principal. Boys must wear their hair in a traditional style, no longer than an inch and a half from their scalp, with no designs and no braiding. Boys must be clean shaven at all times. Girls’ hair is kept tied and well groomed. No artificial hair coloring or bleaching.

Excessive use of jewelry is discouraged for your own protection. The school is not responsible for loss or breaking of jewelry. Earrings may be worn only by girls and only one earring on each ear. Large dangling or large hooped earrings are not permitted since they pose a hazard to the wearer. Girls are allowed very light lipstick and nail polish. NO VISIBLE TATTOOS. No piercing of any part of the body other than girls’ earlobes. Boys may not have any visible piercings whatsoever.

Physical Education
Students must wear the P.E. uniform which is available at the office and is included in the miscellaneous registration fees.

Special Dress Code Days
Students are permitted to wear the team “Lions” shirt on Fridays, with blue or black jeans and sneakers ($1.00 fee). The jeans must have the proper fit and must not be torn in any area.

Cold Weather Clothing
The uniform calls for solid navy blue sweaters, jackets, or wind breakers. Only the CCS insignias will be allowed on clothing. Any other sweaters will be removed and kept in the office until the end of the day. No HOODIES.


Students should realize fully that any member of the school staff has the authority to correct misconduct at any time. A deliberate refusal to obey a reasonable request made by personnel, insubordination, quarrelsome argumentation, or sassing insolence call for disciplinary action by any member of the staff or Principal.


Detention and suspension take precedence over all activities (sports, clubs, tutoring, etc.). It is the student’s responsibility to notify coaches/teachers of the need to serve punishment if it requires his or her absence from another activity. Detention is understood to mean constructive school-related activities (e.g. study, work assignment, clean up, etc.) after class time or on an assigned day under adult supervision.

* Three detentions will result in a one day suspension.

The following are examples of breaches of discipline or chronic misbehavior that may merit a detention:
1. Disregarding school personal appearance requirements.
2. Loitering in corridors or unsupervised classrooms, or being outside of classrooms without a pass.
3. Eating or drinking in other than the assigned areas.
4. Leaving waste material somewhere other than the disposal bin.
5. Disrupting the classroom program.
6. Inappropriate conduct at assemblies or during announcements.
7. Inappropriate conduct on school grounds or during any school activities.
8. Chewing gum and sticking gum on school property.
9. Minor infractions of any other school policies or regulations.
10. Teasing or verbal abuse, foul language, rough playing.

Some actions, of their very nature, ordinarily constitute a major violation:
1. Insubordination/insolence.
2. Willful or negligent destruction or damage of property (vandalism).
3. Truancy.
4. Cheating in quarterly exams.
5. Theft.
6. Unexcused absence from detention.
7. Instigating or participating in fights or spitting.
8. Smoking and the use of tobacco products.
9. Flagrant or persistent violation of school regulations.
10. Any conduct detrimental to the image or reputation of the school.

In the event of an offense, the student’s parents will be notified.

Sometimes Saturday detentions may be assigned, which is understood to mean work at school on Saturday. Saturday detentions are to be attended in full school uniform and there is a fee of $20.00. A student’s disciplinary record is reviewed at the end of the school year. Some students may be required to meet with the Principal personally to discuss his/her record. A student’s registration for the ensuing academic year may be nullified if he/she is subject to disciplinary action prior to the end of the current year.

After habitual disciplinary problems, a student can either be placed on:
1. Disciplinary Probation: Is to be in writing and understood between parent/student and Principal. The length of time is determined by the Principal.
2. Suspension: A suspended student may not appear on school property or at school-sponsored activity in or away from school. The length of time is determined by the Principal.
3. Dismissal: Only the Principal is empowered to dismiss a student. . If a student has been dismissed, they are not permitted to attend any school sanctioned events or activities. The following serious offenses are examples of the sort that make a student liable to dismissal:
a. The use, possession, sale or exchange of controlled substances or alcoholic beverages.
b. The student causing or attempting to cause damage to school.
c. The student causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person.
d. The student’s possession, sale, or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object.
e. Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
f. Stealing.
g. Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying administrators, or other school personnel.
h. Repeated disregard or willful disobedience of school regulations.

Withdrawal Policy
Just as a parent can withdraw a child from the school, the School reserves the right to disenroll a student if it determines that the parent, student, and school partnership is irretrievably broken. A family choosing to withdraw their child from the school must complete a Withdrawal Form available in the School Office. No official school records will be sent if outstanding financial obligations exist and the checklist has not been completed, inclusive of endorsing scholarship checks covering the student’s attendance period. Until all responsibilities have been fulfilled, the School reserves the right to withhold the student’s records.


If the student should have any difficulty or need guidance at any time, please know that the Principal’s doors are open.

A club or class wishing to engage in fund-raising must first present its proposal to the school Principal. The frequency of fund-raising activities is limited due to the number of such activities scheduled. Students are expected to cooperate with the fund-rising activity conducted by the school. It is also expected that parents/guardians will support such drives for the good of the school. There is a mandatory chocolate drive once a year.

Special Interest Clubs
Special clubs are formed to meet interests in the field of hobbies (e.g. reading, chess, news, science, and sports). The number and nature of these varies according to the students’ interest. Such clubs require the approval of the Principal.

Driving and Parking
Driving to school is a privilege Students not driving responsibly may have the privilege of driving to and from school revoked. Students can park on the curb but cannot block the street sidewalks, driveways or other cars. Students are not permitted to leave their class for car purposes. The school is not responsible for any damage or accidents, etc., that may occur while vehicles are parked on the school property.

Special notices are either announced during homeroom period, posted in the front entrance of the school, or notes are emailed to the parents. All announcements not coming from Administration need to be approved by the Principal.

Homework Bulletins
Homework sheets are posted in each class. It is the student’s responsibility to take note of all assignments required.

Agendas can be purchased in the Administration’s office and are included in the miscellaneous registration fees. The agendas give notices of meetings, athletic and social events, general information, mid-term and final examinations, Open House, report card disbursements and all other pre-announced information. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of upcoming events.

Lost and Found
Students are responsible for their own property. The school is not responsible for the loss of personal money, property or books. Any property left unattended and found by students should be turned in to the Lost and Found, in the school office. Students may not leave the class to search for lost items.
Students are responsible for the books/materials they take home and must keep track of their belongings as stated in the Care of School Property Policy. Students are also responsible for their assigned seats; therefore, each one must occupy his/her place only.

Field Trips
In order to participate, a student must have a written permission slip signed by his/her parents/guardian. Final determination as to whether or not a student may participate is made by the teachers and Principal.

School Spirit
We encourage all students to come to sports events and cheer for “THE LIONS”. We expect all students and family members to show good sportsmanship at all contests. We also encourage you, if you have the talent and interest, to try out for our teams. Help create strong school spirit.

Athletics Eligibility
In order to be eligible represent the School in an athletic contest the student must:
1. Attend school regularly as per the Attendance Policy.
2. Maintain a 2.5 GPA.
3. Display good sportsmanship, comply with the rules of competition, and follow the School’s Code of Conduct at all times.
4. Be less than 19 years 9 months old and, for students entering 9th grade in 2014-15 and thereafter, not turn 19 before September 1st.
5. Obtain parent signature(s) on the School Athletic Commitment Form/Contract and pay athletic fees.
6. Complete pre-participation physical evaluation form (EL2) and be certified as being physically fit for participation
7. Have consent to participate by completing the consent and release from liability certificate (EL3)
8. Sign the concussion and heat related illness release certificate (EL3CH)
9. Complete an Affidavit of Compliance with FHSAA Policy on Athletic Recruiting (GA4) if you transferred to our School.
10. Complete the Registration Form for Youth Exchange, Other International or Immigrant Student (EL4), if applicable.

All parents should contact the office for the Financial Responsibilities of the specific grade level. Most information can be found in the Registration Form in the school office. Families with an outstanding balance will not have access to school grades nor records. No checks will be accepted after May 1st. After this date, the only form of payment will be cash, cashier’s check, or money order.
Champagnat Catholic School has a no refund policy.