9th Grade 10th grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
Religion Religion Religion Religion
English I English II English III English IV
General Literature General Literature American Literature English Literature
Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary
Composition I Composition II Composition III Research
Algebra I Geometry Algebra II & Trig, Pre-Calculus
General Science Biology Chemistry Physics
World History American Govt. American History Economics
Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish
Drama World Geography Art History Life Management
Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
Physical Ed, Physical Ed. Physical Ed. Physical Fitness

Grading System

Grades are given in numbers; a “grade point average” (GPA) is used to determine rank in class; graduation and honor eligibility; good standing and probation status; and scholarship eligibility. Students are ranked at the end of each year. The passing grade is 70 or above for core courses. Courses that are designated as Honors (H), receive one additional GPA point and courses that are designated as Advanced Placement (AP) are worth an additional two GPA points according to the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) course codes and standards. Students completing either of the aforementioned types of courses will have the additional points weighted in their GPA.

Required Credits

The following credits must be earned at the high school level as requisites for graduation:

Language Arts ………………………………….……. 4 credits
Mathematics ……….…………………………….….. 4 credits
Science ………….……………………………………… 4 credits
Social Studies …….……………………………….… 4 credits
Foreign Language …..……………………………… 2 credits
HOPE/Physical Fitness  .………………………… 2 credits

Electives based on offerings such as:
World Religion, Drama, Sociology, Art History, Literature, Marketing, Hospitality/Tourism, Forensic Science, Sports/Entertainment Management, Peer Counseling, Life Management, Approved FLVS Courses. 6 credits