October Newsletter
Dear Champagnat Families,
I was very happy to have such a great turn out at Open House and that you were able to meet your son/daughter(s) teacher(s), as well as learning the expectationsI. This is the first step in the partnership that needs to exists between the school and the home in order for the students to be successful. I would like to thank you for your support in ensuing that the high standards of uniform has been maintained by the vast majority of students.
As we turn the page of the calendar to a new month I would like to inform you of upcoming events. We have begun a new “Lunch” catering company which is providing the students not only a nutritional lunch but a delicious one as well. The month of October is a busy one. We have several themes going on simultaneously such as:
- Jacome our Religion teacher has spear headed a campaign to help the victims of Hurricane Matthew therefore we are asking for donations of water so we can send it to the victims.
- “National Bullying”, “Breast Cancer Awareness”, ‘ Red Ribbon” and “Hispanic Heritage.” All the students have been given assignments and/or projects for these themes of which they will be presenting in class and given a grade.
- Our Middle School just went on a “Science Field Trip” to “Butterfly World” they all had a great time , please check our Twitter account @champagnatcs for all the pictures and more.
- The Junior Class had a visit from Herff Jones and were very excited to place an order for their “Class Ring.”
- 19th the 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT Exam, please make sure they are prepared by being well rested from the night before and they are present in school.
- 21st “House of Horror” Evening Field Trip for Middle School (more information will be sent home as soon as the arrangements have been solidified.)
- 26th “Cafecito Club” at CCS 9-10 a.m. All parents are invited to come join me for our first monthly meeting in which we will have the opportunity to meet in a more relaxed and informal manner so that we can brainstorm together on many areas of school and community environment.
- 27 “Picture Day” please make sure you son/daughter is in complete correct uniform.
- 28 The “Senior Night Football Game” at Milander Park in Hialeah,Fl. (ALL Senior parent or guardian are expected to attend as it is a special “Senior” recognition event and your support for your son/daughter is of upmost importance and value in making their last years of school a most memorable and cherished one.
We would like to invite all students and parents to support our football team,our Seniors and our school on this day.
We have had Basketball tryouts, Cheerleading try outs and on Oct. 17th there will be a Volleyball tryouts.
Finally, as a reminder, it is important that you please check your emails and Rediker as well as Twitter and Champagnat’s website for all upcoming events, student grades, pictures and school information.
Best Regards,
Nuria Sanchez